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Caring For Crystal

Crystal is a high quality form of glass, produced with lead oxide which creates light reflection. All pieces are delicate and need to be cleaned with care. Remember, most damage happens when cleaning or moving pieces therefore you have to be careful each time you clean a piece.

When moving objects, always carry one object or one part of an object at a time. It is best to place your hands around the body of the object rather than using an existing handle, rim, or spout for support. In general, it is not a good idea to routinely wash the pieces. Each time a piece is handled for cleaning there is a greater risk of breakage through accidents and mishandling. It is better to protect pieces from soiling and dust in the first place, rather than washing them too often. To maintain the beauty and power of your crystals, always keep them in a cabinet away from dust.

Objects should be kept free of dust, debris, and oily residues. Keeping in a cabinet also prevents the items to be broken. Store individual glass objects separately. Do not stack or crowd items and be sure they are kept well back from the edge of the shelf. Avoid wrapping glass in tissue or newspaper, which may attract and hold dampness. When the piece has dust on it, you should use "Blow Dryer" on cool air to get rid of dust.

Remember that, fine crystal and glassware can crack or break when subjected to extremes of hot and cold. Lighting candles in candleholders is also not recommended. If the item has fingerprints on it, never place it in a dishwasher. Fingerprints will disappear when you use a small amount of glass cleaner with a soft, lint free cloth or wash your fine crystal and glassware by hand in moderately warm water with a mild lemon detergent and 1/4 cup ammonia (to prevent spotting). Rinse in clean water and air dry on a rack. It is advisable to hand wash the crystal, especially if you have a very fine set.

Take for example the top part of a glass, where a person drinks, is more likely to get hit on the lateral sides of the dishwasher and it can crack very easily. Another problem with dishwashers is that if you aren't very attentive, you can heat up the glass if the dishwashers gets too hot. When hot, the glass becomes weaker thus increasing the chances of breaking.

If you are planning to use a dishwasher it is advisable to set the gentle cycle and use a small amount of detergent. Let the china cool down before unloading it. Don't use a heated drying program and also don't use high-abrasive detergents. In order to avoid scratching you should place something between each plate. Gold-rimmed items shouldn't be placed in microwaves.

It is believed that crystal heals and balances bio-energy. It can also convert daily life's negative energy to positive. Therefore, it's a good thing to hang some Crystal ornaments on your windows or on your car to bring all the reflections of Sunlight in and the positive energy. All in all, taking care of your crystal isn't a difficult thing to do but there are some steps which every crystal owner must follow in order to maintain its perfect shape, that is why some simple advice might come in hand for the regular crystal owner.

Engin Arat owns a leading manufacturer and importer of crystal gift items company, committed to maintaining high standards and quality, things for which his company has been known since 1951. His website can be found at http://www.momscrystalshop.com.

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